A Play inspired by Elvira Arellano, an undocumented Mexican worker who took sanctuary in a Chicago Church in 2007 rather than be deported and separated from her U.S Citizen son, Saul. From her humble beginnings in Michoacan, Mexico to the Chicago O'hare airport, we are taken on a journey of an immigrant woman in search of a better future for herself and her family. The play is an imaginary encounter between Elvira and an ICE officer on the day of her arrest and deportation in 2007. The play begs the questions: Who makes our laws? Who really benefits from man made laws? Are unjust laws meant to be broken? Can U.S Citizens and Undocumented workers find common ground and even unity in the struggle for a better life?
Friday September 20, 2019
Southern Methodist University
Meadows School of the Arts
6101 Bishop Blvd, Dallas, TX 75205
Friday September 20, 2019
Southern Methodist University
Meadows School of the Arts
6101 Bishop Blvd, Dallas, TX 75205
No Human Being Is Illegal! Support the New Sanctuary Movement.